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Very short maceration

In winemaking, maceration is the process of allowing the grape skins, seeds, and stems to come into contact with the juice during fermentation. This process can add color, tannins, and flavor compounds to the wine.

A “very short maceration” refers to a winemaking technique where the grape skins are in contact with the juice for a very short period of time, usually less than 24 hours. This process can result in a wine that is lighter in color, lower in tannins, and less extracted than wines made with a longer maceration.

Short maceration is commonly used for white wine and rosé, where minimal color and tannin extraction is desired. This technique can also be used to make red wines with a lighter color, lower tannins, and fresher flavors. This style of wine is usually consumed young, within the first few years of production.

The decision on how long to macerate grapes depends on the grape variety, the winemaker’s desired outcome, and other factors. It’s a winemaking technique that allows winemakers to adjust the style of the wine, and it can be used to make a wide range of wines from light and fresh to full-bodied and tannic.

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